This child was affected by congenital Hydrocephalus, a condition characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain, also known as “water on the brain”, and was born with an unusually large head witha circumferenc measuring up to nearly 60 centimeters. Hydrocephalus is a serious condition, which, unless treated properly, could prove fatal. Te infant…

Right to health and adequate medical care has been globally acknowledged as an inalienable human right. It is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Constitution of the World Health Organisation and some of the other Treaties of Unites Nations dealing with Human Rights. The constitution of the World Health Organisation has recognised “the…

he word Heart Disease could send tremors down anybody’s spine. Health related news reports indicate that there is a growing incidence of people succumbing to this dreadful affliction nowadays. There has been sensational news about prominent personalities in this country departing us for good having fallen victim to heart related sicknesses. Be that as it…

The Story how one Mrs D. Dissanayake’s who was for a long time ill due to persistently high and uncontrollable level of Triglycerides recovered in lightening speed after merely two days of Rasa Medicine Treatment is no doubt very much revealing deserves in depth consideration. She had turned to Rasa Medicine after trying a whole…

According to Rasa Shashthra, Parkinson’s disease is caused by “Vatha”. Generally most of the people suffer from some kind of affliction. Some people sometimes realise that they are not healthy only when some sickness emerges. Certain sicknesses develop very slowly and take time to become full blown. According to the wisdom of Eastern Medical Therapy,…

Leukemia in lay terms is called Blood Cancer. It occurs when Heamoglobin, Red Blood Cells (Red Corpuscles) and Platelets in Blood Stream drop abnormally below standard levels. It is a lethal affliction causing death, unless effective and timely treatment is initiated. Usually patients suffering from Leukemia undergo extreme emotional and mental stress from the time…

Sri Lankan ‘Rasa’ medical practitioner, Dr. Lalith Kularathna says ‘Rasa’ is the most erudite system of medical treatment in the world–originating in India’s Nalanda University, the first university in the world. “Mercury is a phenomenal metal. It is ingested in small quantities as a mixture of metals in ‘Rasa’ medicine,” he said. “Mercury doesn’t deposit…

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